
Dr. James C. Young has more than fifty years as an educator

Dr. James C. Young has more than fifty years as an educator. He is an educator, motivational speaker, author, workshop leader, and has served as a consultant to schools and school districts. In addition to being a public school teacher, he served as a regional director of Head Start Leadership Development that covered New England and upstate New York. He was the Executive Director of the Association for Childhood Education International – ACEI – the first African American to head a professional education association in Washington, D.C.

In 1992, Dr. Young was selected by former President Jimmy Carter to serve as the Secretariat for Education for the Atlanta Project that involved more than 135 public schools.

Dr. Young’s scholarship has been cited in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, U.S. News and World Report, Childhood Education, Young Children, The Journal for Non-White Concerns, Dimensions, and Advocacy of the National Black Child Development Institute.

Dr. Young has authored over 40 research articles and co-edited two books

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Dr. Young has authored over 40 research articles and co-edited two books – DeMythologizing the Inner City Child and Analysis and Critique of Early Childhood Education Programs. His work has been cited in professional journals – Young Children, Childhood Education, Dimensions, and in such venues as U.S. News and World Report and the Atlanta Journal & Constitution. Dimensions- A Journal of Early Childhood Education, named Dr. Young as a Distinguished Scholar in the field of Early Childhood Education. He has served as an officer or board member for NAEYC – National Association for the Education of Young Children, SECA – Southern Early Childhood Association, GAYC – Georgia Association for Young Children, and NBCDI – National Black Child Development Institute.

Dr. Young has worked with a number of school districts to effectively develop and deliver high quality early childhood education. He has served as a consultant to various Head Start research and demonstration programs that were implemented throughout the United States and the Virgin Islands. He has spoken widely throughout America, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda.

Dr. Young’s books include, From Roots to Wings: Successful Parenting African American Style – A Parent Activity and Guide Book; Builders of Dreams: What We Must Do!; Development, Teaching, and Learning: A Common Sense View; and If Teacher’s Hand’s Were Not Tied.

Dr. Young and Dr. Itihari Toure co-edited a book of essays titled Asa – Honoring His Life and Work. Released in 2016,  it was published by African American Images, Chicago, IL.

Roots to Wings Revisted is slated for release in the fall of 2018.

Teaching Philosophy

As an African-American educator, Dr. Young always believed in the essence of excellence. The future of the African-American community is tied to those who will devote their lives to restoring the village. The key to restoration and success is to return to traditional excellence. The path to excellence is preparation. African Americans can achieve both academic and cultural excellence. To do so teachers must embrace an ideology that enables children to connect to their history.

Professional Experience

  • 2001 – Present Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
    School of Education, Clark Atlanta University
  • 1999 – 2000 Professor and Adjunct, Department of Education,
    Morris Brown College (Atlanta, Georgia)
  • Professor and Chairman, Department of Curriculum
    Clark Atlanta University (Atlanta, Georgia)
  • Secretariat for Education, The Atlanta Project. The Carter
    Presidential Center, Atlanta, GA.
  • 1988-1992 Research Associate, Center for the Study of Adult Literacy
    Georgia State University (Atlanta, Georgia)
  • 1971- 1988 Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education
    Georgia State University (Atlanta, Georgia)
  • 1978 – 1979 Executive Director, ACEI – Association for Childhood
    Education International, Washington, D.C. (Sabbatical)